Who We Are
Cummins Falls is one of Tennessee's most treasured natural wonders. For generations, it has been a place for all people to visit in order to enjoy the beauty, hike, picnic, or cool off on a hot summer day. Friends of Cummins Falls is dedicated to helping Tennessee State Parks to preserve and to improve this amazing place. Friends of Cummins Falls State Park is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 non-profit organization established to support and enhance the park.
Our Mission:
To enhance visitor enjoyment and education at Cummins Falls State Park by protecting its natural and historic features and promoting facilities and programs compatible with the scenic environment
Our Objectives:
To provide support and assistance to park staff in developing facilities and programs for resource protection, visitor education, recreation, and safety.
To help restore features of historic importance to the area.
To encourage environmental preservation through careful consideration of planned facilities and to promote only those that are conducive to the park's integrity as a primarily natural area, for example minimal and dark sky sensitive lighting, minimal physical structures, and features only compatible with the enjoyment of a natural environment.
Our Tasks:
To develop and provide quality educational programs about the unique aspects of this area, including its geology, biology, agriculture, and industrial history.
To encourage appreciation and understanding of natural resources and to offer opportunities for individuals and organizations to pursue hobbies or more serious study of natural resources and environmental protection issues.
To help protect, preserve, catalogue, and manage the natural resources of Cummins Falls State Park, including support for an all-taxa biodiversity inventory of the area's flora and fauna.
To promote and facilitate the addition of environmentally sensitive facilities as appropriate.
To work with willing sellers in acquiring more land to increase habitat for protecting native flora and fauna, to enhance the area viewshed and aesthetics, and to buffer the park’s boundaries from proposed land use changes.
To support the park through grants, membership, and special projects.
Friends of Cummins Falls has helped to add valuable land to the park, enabling the addition of trails so visitors have more opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty of the area.
What We've Achieved
Facilitated purchase of 70 additional acres of park land
Purchased Anna Cummins House to hold until the state is able to buy the property
Secured RTP grant to construct a steel overlook viewing platform with matching funds from Jackson and Putnam Counties, the City of Cookeville, and proceeds from the marathons held since 2013
Received matching grant for new picnic tables and for landscaping
Helped add recreational trails for hiking
Supported educational programs
Funded summer positions for park personnel
Assisted with fundraising to support the park